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    Classroom Discipline for International Students of HIST

    2020年07月24日 10:28     (点击次数:)


    According to the international students management regulations, combiningwiththe case of our institute,we hereby formulated some regulationsto further establisha betteracademic atmosphereandensure abetterteaching orderof our class.All the students shallcomply withthe following regulationsnormatively:


    Students shallattend classesinstrict accordance with the schedule and shall not changeitat will.


    Attend class on time.Don't be late, leave early or absenteeism. Arrive at classroomon time.No unexcused being late for three timeswill be counted as one absenteeism.


    Consciously observe and maintain classroom disciplines. Turn offthecommunication and entertainment devicessuch ascell phones, MP3 players, gamesduring classes.Do not make any noisesin or near the classrooms.


    Eating and smokingare not allowed to in the classroom. Studentsshall behave themselves decently. Noimpolite words and actionsin class.


    Showrespecttoteachers in class.Sittinginthefront of the classroom while attending classes.Do not enter or leave the classroomwithout the permissionof teachersduring the class.


    Consciouslykeeptheclean and tidyof the classroom and thepassageway.Donot dauborcarveon the desks,classroom wallsor manyother places.Nospittingor litteringin the classroom and thepassageway.


    Please ask for a leaveif you have toin advance (Onphoneispermitted). Otherwise, it will becountedas absenteeism. (Ifasking for more than three-dayleave,you should ask for the sign ofinstitute leadersfor permittion.)